Introduction to
The Good News
as presented
by John the Apostle
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Introduction to the Good News by John
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This is the fourth book of the Holy Gospel. The first three books of the Holy Gospel present the life and public teachings of Jesus the Messiah, in which he proclaims the Good News, namely that God offers all people forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and eternal life in his glorious kingdom (Paradise).
هذا هو الكتاب الرابع من الإنجيل الشريف. أمّا الكتب الثلاثة الأولى من الإنجيل الشريف، فتعرض حياة عيسى المسيح وتعاليمه العامّة، التي نادى فيها بالبشارة التي مُفادها أنَّ الله يقدّم لجميع البشر مغفرة الخطايا، وعطيّة الروح القدوس، وحياة الخلود في مملكته المجيدة (الجنّة).
As for this fourth book, it assumes its readers are familiar with the life and public teaching of our Lord Jesus, and it presents what he did and taught privately with his disciples. He explained to them who he really is, and he made it clear to them that those who accept him with all their heart as their Lord and Savior are born anew in a spiritual rebirth from God's Holy Spirit, which makes them become fit for God's eternal Kingdom.